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This project would not have been possible without the support of:, Ville de Genève, OWITCité du Temps, Kodak, Kebab Oriental.


Département de l'Instruction Publique de Genève (DIP), les SIG, la Voirie, SEVE, GreggImages, Net’Leman, des associations Agad, Solemyo et des Artichauts, Le Respect, Earthfocus, La Galerie, la Maison des Association, Conference on Investigative Journalism, World Council of Churches and International School.

Special Thanks

Many thanks go to all the volunteers who have made this project possible... Special thanks go to Ahmed, Claire, Cristina, Diego, Diana, Florence, Gregg, Kate, Jacqueline, Jim, John, Lea, Katia, Nazir, Marietta, Paula, Rabah, Renata and Zivile.

©1997-2025 ICVolunteers|system mcart|Updated: 2025-01-02 09:51 GMT|